The school is housed in two well-planned, multi storeyed building with spacious well-lit class rooms and a playground. The school provides air-conditioned classrooms till class II. It also maintains a well-stocked air-conditioned library a commodious and air-conditioned Multipurpose Hall, a fully equippped Knowledge Centre and Jr. & Sr. Computer & Science Labs. There are separate rooms for Music, Dance, Art & Craft, Sports, Medical Aid, Counselling etc. The school has gone Hi-Tech with the introducation of 3D labs for Maths & Science.
The 3D learning experience will have the student grabbing at thin air and pulling back from object that appear to be zooming straight at him or floating in the blood stream, hearing the heart beat from inches away, watch atom explode at so froth. The fact is with 3D learing, the student can almost feel being a part of the subject it self. Making exciting and fasinating. With 3D becoming a movie watching standard a cross the country it has been gladly accepted by learners across all age groups and has left them yearning for more. Be it Biology, Physics or Chemistry, a 3D experience is a pure delight, taking students in to life-like virtual worl, where abstract ideas come to life. Life-Like Virutal World Wide Range of Topics High Quality 3D Animations Easy to Grasp Methodology.
Our school has a well-stocked fully air- conditioned library. To nourish the intellect we have books, periodicals and jornals on every imaginable topic. Every student is encouraged to read and discuss what he or she has read. A part from this, we have story books in every classroom extra reading periods are assigned to all the classes separately for Hindi and English in which teh students are given practice for silent, loud and rapid reading with comprehension. Certainly, it is helpful the students span of knowledge and fluency in reading languages.
In todays world of fast paced life, congnitive learning is becoming incresingly difficult. As a result, children are becoming highly dependent on rote learning, in this highly competitive world. Through our smart classes students learn throught highly engaging visuals and animations. Presently, we have one smart class for each section till class V and one smart calss for each class from classes VI to X. In the near future, we will have smart classes for each section of these classes as well. Teachers are trained from time to time to upgrade them with the latest innovation.
They teach you that there is a boundary line to music…but how can there be a limit to an art?
Today our daily lives are fillied with limitions and rules one place in the entire universe, where there are no rules and regulations is the world of music AKMS wants students to be able to express their own ideas to be able to live in their own world for some time to be able to learn what kind of a person they really are from the inside. To do this we provide a variety of instruments for the students to play with and be able to learn the power of sound and music in their lives.
The purpose of athletic training in LAKMS is not only to develop a healthy body butto discover the limits of personal endurance or weaknesses and ones unique physical make-up. It develops in the students a sense of fair play and teamsprit and the joy of discovering ones own abilites. To encourage a healthy spirit of competition and for physical well-being of the student, the school provides facilites and opportunities for a variety of games and sport- outdoor and indoor . These include basket-ball, badmintion , volley bal athletics, throws ball table tennis etc. We focus on childrens mental and emotional health well while the body exercises, the brain releases endorphins. From a biological standpoint alone student who are physically active are happier and have a constructive outlet through which to releives stress The school promotes phyical activites right from Early Years The body exercises , the brain releases endorphins . Form a biological standpoint alone students who are physically active are happier and have a constructive outlet through which to relieves stress. The school promotes physical activites right from Early years . The school runs its after-school sports program as well.
To promote healthy competition, the school has four houses Viz, Nehru, Subhash, pratap and Togore Competitive programs like debate, elocution, recitation, story telling, essay writing, quiz and sports etc. are organized regulary. Clubs like art and craft, music dance, yoga, maths, public speaking , science , eco , legal literacy and sports are an integralpart of the curriculum . The school believes in the principle to massparticipation of students in all the activites. Thus all the students arrencouraged and involved in all school activities / programmes to generate in them a sense of achievement, coordination, self-confidence and team spirit.
The sound proof Multipurpose Hall withlatest electronic gadgets like LCD project, screen, sound system etc. provides a platform for students to showcase their talents during competitions. Moreover, it becomes a meeting ground for seminars, symposiums, workshops, exhibitions, and lecture sessions.
Orientation marks a successfull beginning of a session as it assures to the new students that they made a good decision in their choice. it also helps students prepare for a successfull career with clear vision about what lies a head and what can be achieved at the end of their session keeping this thought in mind parent orientation programmes are organized regular basis Counselling not only helps them to make decious pertaining to their professoinal career, but it also makes them confident and mentally prepare them for societal hard ships. Teachers help children to recognize their strengths , sharpen their interests and help them to explore their dreams. Keeping these aspects in mind many counselling sessions are held for teachers, students and parents by the principal schoolcounseller and counseller experts.
For a comprehensive development of the child contact between parents and teachers is not desirable but also imperative Parent-Teacher meeting are therefore , held regulary to discuss the childprogress , personality and emotional development. To make the process more transparent and homogenous Parent-Teacher Association has been set in the school. The school is also a member of All India Parent Teacher Association. Regular counselling for parents and students by professionals in the fields a unique feature of the school.
Safe travel of students, we have a fleet of buses on designated routes where in we ensure that they board and alight in the school premises only . Safety and security of students while travelling to and from school is paramount. Keeping that in mind all efforts to equip buses with safety precautionary measures are taken, and reviewed periodically. All the buses are CCTV enabled and are fitted with GPS device which helps school keep track of the routes and communicate with the bus at all times. The buses are also equipped with Fire Extinguishers.
Fire extinguishers are installed atvarious places in the school building. The school conducts Fire Drillsat regular intervals to acquaint student and staff with fire safety procedures.
A study says that yoga classes in school may help kids fight against stress and anxiety. The intervention improved psychosocial and emotional quality of life scores for students. Participating in yoga and mindfulness activites at school helps relieve stress and anxiety in youg children improving their wellbeing and emotional health.
Practicing safety rules in playground is imperative for the well being of the children. No hitting , play fighting or pushing is allowed , and using appropriate language is essential . Since playground is a place to learn positive things students are encouraged to play fair and exhibit sportsman spirit and teamwork.
The safety and security of each child is an area of prime concern at LT Atul katarya Memorial School. LAKMS aim to make the premises a safe and healthy place which promotes a healthy lifestyle and ensures the well being of the students – physically , mentally and spiritually . To ensure that the diet of 1 the student daily , students are encouraged to bring fruits and junk food has been strictly prohibited.
Health care facilities are available in the school health center under the guidance of a full-time. This is fully equipped to give first-aid during emergency. The center organizes regular medical checkups for staff and students. It also organizes awarness and health check-up camps such as dental checkup, healthy eye camp, ENT checkups, AIDS awareness, Women Wellness for teachers and staff, bone density for teachers and staff skin care camp, and mother and daughter workshop.
Proper sanitation is important for the general well being. It is the determinant of quality of life. To promote hygiene education and sanitary habits among students, they are sensitized about the importance of these factors. The school provides clean drinking water (using RO) to the students. Students are encouraged to eat healthy and have a fruit and lunch breaks each day. The school premises are sanitized and cleaned to ensure that children get a conducive environment to learn and play.
Proud to have a sophisticated Physics Laboratory with the latest state of the art facilities that equip the students to have hands on experience. The flat-topped tables used as student workstations allow multiple arrangements and combinations for laboratory work and small-group activites. The equipment ranges from the commonly found lens, magnet, beam balance, spring balance, glass prism to the advanced apparatus like voltmeter, ammeter and resistors and spectrometers to name a few. A physics lab aids a student in establishing the relevance of the theory. It brings clarity in the mind of the students regarding the basic concept of the subject. Student understand the difference between theory and application. Physics laboratory helps a student in improvising their approach towards the subject. Experiment carried out in Physics laboratories helps students in learing how to be patient and careful while taking observation and hither to calculating inference. The laboratory is aimed in enabling students to learn physics theories in a more elaborative manner with the involvement of its application. The experiments carried out are mostly the one in coherence with the curriculum. The objective is to carry out researches and studies relevant to the contemporary industry of science.
A loboratory is always considered as a relevant and essential part so far as the teaching of science is concerned. This helps students to remember the studies in a better way by conducting their own experiments. It gives students first-hand experience and offers better opportunities for learning. A laboratory is not a contest whose object is to get the right answer but the purpose is to learn how to gain knowledge, how to observe and to learn the meaning of what happens. Chemistry Laboratory provides a platfrom for students to nurture the budding scientist with in them . The Lab is provided with the state of the art devices like Fume hood, Distillation unit, electronic weighting machine, Bunsen burners, beakers and flasks. The safety devices such as Firefighting equipemnt, First-Aid Kit etc are kept available. The acids and other reactive chemicals are stored in separate locked cupboards as a further precautionary measure. The students are provided with separate workstations with individual burners and plug points. The apparatus includes the common place strikers, mortar and pestle, clay triangle, watch galsses, crucibles, crucible tongs, chemical spoon, stirring rods, filter funnels and a variety of stoppers.
Science is a universal subject that spans the branch of knowledge that examines the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. No course in biology can be considered as complete without including some practical work in it. Biology is a scientific topic, thus it should be learn through experimental method. The laboratory makes teaching of Biology more meaningful and interesting. Biology Laboratory planned to meet the demands of the advacement in science and technology. The marble worktops are heat resistant and storage cabinets are easily accessible. The laboratory apparatus ranges from simple slides, test-tube, Petri dishes to the composite microscopes of varying powers to observe sample and organisms closely. They are high-powered extremely expensive, and sensitive pieces of equipement that can make even the smallest part of a single cell seem clear. Besides the aforesaid the laboratory also has charts, models and specimens meant for demonstrations. The exhaust system efficiently sustains a comfortable environment in the room even while performing experiments requiring chemicals that let out fumes.
To meet the need for computer literacy and information technology in the present day scenario, well-equipped Computer Labs for Juniors and Seniors, with computers supporting multimedia have been set up for students where they work under the able guidance of professionally trained staff. Computer education forms an integral part of the school curriculum for all Classes (Nursery – XI)
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